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2021年教师资格证面试考试:中学英语《Summer holiday》教案范例
发表时间:2021-04-28 来源:山香教育官网
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《Summer holiday》

-Wher are you calling for?I am going to the library.

-Do you enjoy your holiday? Yes, of course.

-What is the weather like today? Great, it is sunny and hot.





【简案示范】Summer holiday

Teaching Aims

Knowledge aim: Students can master the listening strategies and describe their summer holiday.

Ability aim: Students can develop the ability of grasping detail information.

Emotional aim: Students can foster the motivation of learning English.

Teaching Key and Difficult Point

Teaching Key Point:

Students can get the useful information from the listening material.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to make the students master these listening skills.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1:Warming up

Sing an English song 《Summer Holiday》.

Let our students say something about summer holiday as much as they can and teacher explain some difficult new words.

Step 2:While-listening

(1) Listen to the tape for the first time and ask them what the main idea of this passage.

(2)Listen to the tape for the second time and ask them to fill in the chart, then invite them to share their answers.

Step 3:Post-listening

Survey: Let students do a survey about their friends’ summer holiday and they can use the key words and sentences that they have learned today, then teacher will invite 2 students to share their summer holiday in the front.

Step 4:Summary

students look at the blackboard and summarize this class.

Step 5:Homework

Let students make a poster about summer holiday and share with us next class.

Blackboard design


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