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发表时间:2021-11-18 来源:山香教育官网
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  • *别人上岸也这么难?

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The history of the city goes back 650 years when the Maoris settled in the area.European settlement began in 1840 when the British arrived.Auckland was the capital of New Zealand for some time.Later,the capital moved to Wellington,because it was more central.Since 1945,the city of Auckland has grown and it now has large modern suburbs.In 1985,the New Zealand for government made the whole country a nuclear-free zone and since then Auckland has been a center for protest against nuclear testing in Asia Pacific.








Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. I’m XX candidate,applying for senior school English teacher. My topic isCyberspace. Let me start off reading the passage…Now class begins.


T:Hello,boys and girls. Is everybody ready to start?Before starting a new lesson,let’s watch a clip about“Dad,wher are we going?”. Now who can describe the video?Tom,please.

T:Very good,Tom. You may sit down please.


T:Look at these pictures. What are they about?Can you tell me?

T:Yes. It is about New Zealand’s background. Let’s move on our lesson.

Ⅲ. While-reading

T:Please read the passage for the first time and try to find the time when British settled.

T:Please read the passage again and try to find the time when Auckland has grown into a modern suburb.

T:Who can tell me when Auckland has grown into a modern suburb?Anne,come on!Give it a try!

T:Yes,thank you Anne!Anyone with a different answer?

T:Yes. Good job!Auckland has grown into a modern suburb in 1945.

T:Please read the passage for the third time and answer the question—what’s the capital before and now?

T:We have read the passage for three times. Do you have the general outline for it?Look at the blackboard. Let’s make a timeline together. Write the time on the left and write the event on the right.

T:Now who can tell me how does the writer arrange the passage?By place?By time?Jack,It’s your turn. Try your best.

T:You made it!Thank you. We can see it clearly that the passage is arranged by time.


Activity 1

T:Now I will invite two students to retell the passage according the timeline on the blackboard.

T:Have you done your work yet?Any volunteer?Well done!I could see you’ve practiced a lot.

Activity 2

T:Please form the group of 3 to talk about which country do you like best?

Ⅴ.Summary and homework

T:Now I want to invite a student to make a summary for this lesson. Any volunteer?Yes,Nancy please.

T:Good job!You guys have learned this lesson well.

T:The homework for this lesson is to search online for the development of coffee culture in China.

T:There goes the bell. Class is over. See you later.

Blackboard design

History of New Zealand




British settled


Auckland has grown into a modern suburb


Nuclear free zone


That’s my presentation. Thanks for your listening.


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