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2021下教师资格证面试试讲:小学英语《Last weekend》
发表时间:2021-11-23 来源:山香教育官网
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Last weekend


cleaned my room;washed my clothes;stayed at home;watched TV

Mike:How was your weekend?

Chen Jie:It was fine,thanks.

Mike:What did you do?

Chen Jie:I stayed at home and watched TV.









Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.I’m XX candidate,applying for primary school English teacher.My topic is Last weekend.Now I’m ready.Class begins.

Ⅰ.Warming-up and lead-in

T:Hello,everyone!Last weekend,I went shopping and bought a new dress.What did you do last weekend?Jonny, can you share your weekend with us?

T:Basketball?Sound interesting!Jonny said,“I play basketball last weekend.” Is this sentence correct?


T:Show some pictures on the screen and phrases such as “cleaned my room”,“washed my clothes”,“stayed at home” and “watched TV” on the blackboard.Point at a word and let the students guess its meaning according to the picture.

T:Everybody,please observe these words carefully to find if there are some similarities.

T:Can you find the similarities?These verbs all have “ed”.They are what we called simple past tense.We will use the simple past tense that began and ended at a particular time in the past.For regular verbs,we make this tense by adding “ed” to the end of the verb.For example,the past tense of “to clean” is cleaned.You can use the simple past whenever you say that something happened in the past.For example,“I cleaned my room yesterday.”

T:There are also many irregular verbs in the simple past tense.For example,the past tense of “to have” is had.The past tense of “to do” is did.“To be” is extra difficult because we say I/he/she/it was and you/we/they were.


T:I will choose some students to write down the past tense of the verbs given on the blackboard.

T:You can work in pairs to practice the conversation,and act the conversation out.5 minutes is given.Then some pairs will be invited to show your performance.


T:Do a survey about what you did last weekend.You can work in group of 6 and one of you acts as the group leader to collect your group members’ activities and make a list.10 minutes will be given.After that,I will invite one group to share your report.The report should be made like this,“Last weekend,Lily washed the clothes.”

Ⅴ.Summary and homework

T:Make a summary about today’s lesson.

T:Talk about what you did in the last weekend with your parents.

Blackboard design:

Last weekend

cleaned my room washed my clothes

stayed at home                    —What did you do?

watched TV                        —I stayed at home and watched TV.

That’s my presentation.Thanks for your listening.





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